Executive, Leadership and Team Coaching
Team Alignment and Team Effectiveness
Organizational Development, Talent Management and Strategy
Customized Leadership Development Programs
Startup Advisory
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Michèle has several decades of international human capital consulting experience including executive coaching, leadership development, talent management and assessment, team building, facilitation, onboarding, and start up advisory. She has worked with a wide range of organizations in size and industry, VC startups and PE backed organizations to the Fortune 50, both in the private and public sector as well as with global executive education institutions.
Michèle has worked and lived in 4 countries and coached leaders from more than 80 nationalities. She has partnered with senior leaders at AstraZeneca, Axis Communications, Cambridge Systematics, Citi, Danone, Google, Ikea, Klarna, Ocean Conservancy, Platform24, Spotify, Takeda, Teradata, The Termeer Foundation, and Volvo. Working with executive and leadership teams to be high functioning, effective and innovative is one of Michèle’s signature strengths and passions. She is a dynamic and engaged facilitator and coach that enjoys working closely with clients to build trust, improve communication and collaboration, define strategies and goals, increase engagement, and reach results. Learn more
To contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desired future state. To form a mental picture of something not yet existing or known.
The nautilus shell represents growth, and its chambers build upon one another to continuously create its future state. This illustrates how I work with clients to envisage what they want to achieve and the state they want to reach, as it is a process that must build upon itself. Realizing your full potential both personally and professionally catalyzes growth and enables new experiences, insights, and tools that expand and build new capacities.